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About Me

Hi, I am Michelle.

What’s your name, stranger?

Well, this is what I would say in a real world face to face human interacton, right? But this is my virtual world on the internet.

I love blogging, my kids, listening to music and truffles. I have been a full time cleaner until becoming a full time mum. Gosh, was my world changed overnight 🙂 I wouldn’t change it for anything. From being constantly on the move between clients and cleaning sites, I started re-adjusting my life to being a full time mum.

Being at home most of the time made me think about the way home maintenance was being done. The norm was to go buy cleaning products from the supermarker and do what is said on the lable. But something was bothering me. The amount of harmful chemicals these liquids and powders contained was mind boggling. Why on earth would I want a deadly chemicle to wipe surfaces in my house with??? It made no sense to me. It even sounded scary.

Switch to Homemade Cleaning Products

So I made a bold decision (20 years ago this sounded more like heresy) and threw out all commercially prepared cleaning products from my home. I switched entirely to natural and homemade products to clean and maintain my home. Phew!

Although in the beginning was quite difficult and seemingly ineffective, little by little I was getting skilled and knowledgable in this fine art of green home cleaning. My homemade potions were becoming stronger and more effective, while keeping the harmful effects of house cleaning to a minimum.

Fast forward a couple of decades and I am ready to share all of my knowledge and experience with like-minded people around the world.